This menu uses assets in Maintenances List to create work order. Here's how:
1. Go to Settings --> Prefix Settings --> configure prefix for work order
2. In the Settings menu, select Remedy Type and create data for this setting.
3. Go to the Permission menu and grant employees permissions such as View, Create, Edit, Delete work order
4. Create asset maintenance in the Maintenances menu
5. Go to Work Orders menu --> select New Work Order to create work orders for the above asset maintenance.
The system displays the page as below, please fill in the information and save
Asset Maintenance: will be picked from Fix Maintenance Asset List
Reported By: select Staff Member.
Assigned To: select Staff Member.
After saving successfully, an email with the subject "Work Order Created" will be sent to Reported and Assigned.
- If the person who created the work order is also the person selected in the "Reported by" field, the system will not send an email to Reported.
- Similarly, if the person who created the work order is also the person selected in the "Assigned to" field, the system will not send an email to Assigned.
In Assets Maintenances List, you can view a list of related work orders by clicking on
The system will redirect to the work orders list and automatically filter out related work orders.